PECK Architecture
PECK has the rare capability to excel at design in the architecture and engineeRINg areas — integrating architectural, site, and structural design.

Architect of record projects:
Architectural Services:
Single Family Residential
Architect of Record/ Executive Architect
Residential Design Division
Site Development
Feasibility and Code Consulting
Historic Preservation & Heritage
Mixed Use
Tenant Improvements
Commercial Office
"PECK is one of the few who can seamlessly marry architecture and structure to the site conditions."
- Robert A. Hollingsworth,
Principal Engineer at Grover-Hollingsworth“I thought our meetings went spectacularly well. I am eternally grateful for your creative input. You have the gift of coming up with just the twist to have everything fall into place. And on the spur of the moment. Just what I was hoping for. Count me impressed.”
- Interior Designer and client from New York