Firm Profile

The PECK team is committed to excellence in the three related disciplines of Architecture, Civil engineering and Structural engineering. We believe in developing solutions that are innovative, INTEGRATED, SUSTAINABLE
and represent the highest level of design.

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Project Locations

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Having expertise in these three DISCIPLINES gives us
the unique capability to understand problems



experts in our field

Our ability to work with clients, contractors, plan check officials and other agency representatives is superior and we are known for our ability to reach a consensus and provide results during the permitting and entitlement process.

Photo credit: Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

Photo credit: Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art



We anticipate issues that drive design decisions, and provide opportunities for excellence in civil, structural and architectural design.

We provide valuable project guidance, advice and assistance to other team members, have a positive and productive attitude toward our work, and ultimately produce successful and exceptional results.

Photo by Here and Now Agency - Paul Vu

Photo by Here and Now Agency - Paul Vu


taking on the challenges

There are many interrelated and complex constraints in our Hillside and Commercial Site development projects. Our interdisciplinary approach allows us to analyze projects with respect to our areas of expertise and devise fully integrated and strategic solutions.


Awards & publications

PECK ARCHITECTURE | CIVIL | Luxe Interiors + Design: April 12, 2022, Inside a Bel-Air Home with Soft and Sumptuous Style

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | Dezeen Magazine: March 17, 2022, Gluck+ Covers Hollywood Hills home with an Angular Roof

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | The Plan Magazine: December 23, 2021, CALIFORNIA HOUSE: Half-Floating, Half-Buried

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | Architectural Digest Middle East: December 13, 2021, New York Architect Peter Gluck Has Designed A Masterpiece Of A Hollywood Home That Wins Big On Sustainability

PECK STRUCTURAL | Dwell Magazine: July 17, 2021, A Sustainable Renovation of a Los Angeles Midcentury Channels Its Designers’ Utopian Ideals

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | The Hollywood Reporter: Jun 25, 2021, When Dad Is Also the Architect: How ‘Peter Rabbit 2’ Director Will Gluck’s Home Build Became a Family Affair

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | Dwell Magazine: July 7, 2021, In Los Angeles, a Midcentury Homage Is Capped With a “Floating Roof”

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | 2021 Design Award of Merit, AIALA: California House - Recipient: Gluck Plus. Honored to be part of the design team.

PECK STRUCTURAL | 2021 Residential Architecture Award, AIALA/LA - Single Family Residential – Medium: Laurel Hills Residence - Recipient: Assembledge. Honored to be part of the design team.

PECK CIVIL | Architectural Digest (cover): June, 2021, Step Inside Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis's Sustainable L.A. Farmhouse

PECK STRUCTURAL | Architectural Digest Middle East: May 30, 2021, This Tranquil Mid-Century Home Channels Laid-Back L.A. Style

PECK STRUCTURAL | Sunset Magazine: April 28, 2021, This Laurel Canyon Cottage Was Cramped and Dark. Now It’s a Haven of Light and Space

PECK STRUCTURAL | Rue Magazine: Spring 2021, The Golden State of Mind: High Style and Sustainable Features Exist in Harmony in Laurel Canyon

PECK STRUCTURAL | The California Style: Architecture on the Edge in Paradise by Francesc Zamora Mola, January 1, 2021. PECK performed structural engineering for three projects featured in the book: Laurel Canyon Residence, (featured on the cover), Phelps Residence and Oakdell Residence.

PECK STRUCTURAL | Dwell Magazine: November 16, 2020, An Architect’s Matte Black Los Angeles Home Opens Wide to the Great Outdoors

PECK STRUCTURAL | New York Times: December 31, 2019, Where Does the House End and the Yard Begin?

2019 Westside Urban Forum Design Award - Recipient: M.Arch. PECK was lucky to be a part of the consultant team for M.Arch’s amazing preschool project, ‘Untitled No. 1’. The preschool achieved LEED Gold and the California & Santa Monica Green Business certification, and is the first preschool in the world to receive WELL Building certification.

2019 Pasadena Historic Preservation Award - Chimney Re-Tiling Project, 982 N. Mentor Ave, Pasadena, CA

2018 Los Angeles Architectural Award Excellence in the Housing by Los Angeles Business Council

PECK STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | LA Times: August 8, 2017, Before & After: A Modernist Home Goes from Dark and Dismal to Filled with Light

2017 Pasadena Heritage Award for Historic Preservation (Adaptive Use), Evanston Inn, Pasadena, CA | KFA - Architect | Heritage Housing Partners - Developer 

PECK ARCHITECTURE | CIVIL | C Magazine: Winter 2016, Cabin Fever| Butler Residence

PECK CIVIL | Architectural Digest: March 2015, Director Michael Bay's Three Story Home in CA | Bay Villa

2011 LEED GOLD Certification, USGBC | GO3 Southern California Edison, Rosemead, CA

2010 Doris Duke Award for Historic Preservation, Newport Restoration Foundation | 82 Thames Street

PECK STRUCTURAL | The Architects Newspaper: March 11, 2009, Engineers

2008 Design Award, AIA | Tigertail Residence: Structural Engineer for Tighe Architecture

PECK ARCHITECTURE | STRUCTURAL | CIVIL | LA Times Magazine: July 13, 2003, Hawaiian Breeze | Day Residence


We serve as lead designers on projects and as consultants
to other architects, contractors and engineers.



Our Clients are diverse, including Corporate Clients, Non-Profits, Local Governments, Developers, and Homeowners.  Our Corporate Clients include Southern California Edison, Sempra Energy, the Metropolitan Transit Authority, and ING Bank. Our Non-Profit and Government Clients including North East Trees, the United Methodist Church, the City of Los Angeles, the City of San Fernando and the City of Glendale. Our Developer Clients include VE Properties, Plus Development, and Castlepoint/NUMA. We have also served dozens of single family homeowners. PECK's Projects are located in Southern California, Toronto, Northern California, Rhode Island and New York City.